Index of /

This is an ArchLinux User Repository (AUR) by @daskol which is aimed at distribution of software for artificial intelligence, machine learning, and scientific applications in general. The reason to create and maintain this repo is that this allows to maintain single and uniform environment with containerization support across different hosts for training and experimenting with modern neural network without much pain.


In order to start using it, one should update one's pacman config. So, add the following lines to pacman.conf.

  # /etc/pacman.conf
  SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
  Server =$repo/os/$arch

Then one should refresh package databases with pacman -Sy. Now, you can use it: see list of prebuilt packages or install JAX with CUDA devices support.

  pacman -Sl ai  # List packages in repo.
  pacman -S python-jax python-jaxlib-cuda


You can leave your feedback on GitHub.

archlinux/                                         13-Jun-2023 16:10       -
pypi/                                              10-Jul-2023 04:42       -